The Rose Hill Company of Players

In 2010 a group of people came together under the leadership of Annie McKee, and with the endorsement of the Cemetery Caretaker, Walton Moore and formed "The Rose Hill Company." This group of volunteers came from all walks of life; business professionals, retirees, historians, professional storytellers, artists, actors, medical personnel, students, politicians, photographers and writers.... Together these people researched and prepared for months to present a historical picture of some of the individuals interred in Rose Hill Cemetery.
The volunteers dress in period costume and stand at the graveside of the individuals that they portray. Groups of 10-15 people come through at a time stopping at these areas, and the volunteers speak in first person, telling the group about the time period in which they lived, and about their own lives and families.
The volunteers dress in period costume and stand at the graveside of the individuals that they portray. Groups of 10-15 people come through at a time stopping at these areas, and the volunteers speak in first person, telling the group about the time period in which they lived, and about their own lives and families.